Castles Sweden Estates Sweden

Under this symbol you will find beautiful Castles and Estates. Many castles and estates offer exclusive and unique accommodations. The featured websites provide additional information on opening times, events, and services available in these castles and estates. Online booking or reservation are sometimes also available online.

Click on the area of the map where you would like to search for castles and estates.

Castle/Estate  Norrbotten Castle/Estate  Västerbotten Castle/Estate  Jämtland Castle/Estate  Västernorrland Castle/Estate  Gävleborg Castle/Estate  Dalarna Castle/Estate  Uppsala Castle/Estate  Östergötland Castle/Estate  Västra Götaland Castle/Estate  Jönköping Castle/Estate  Kalmar Castle/Estate  Gotland Castle/Estate  Kronoberg Castle/Estate  Halland Castle/Estate  Blekinge Castle/Estate  Skåne Castle/Estate  Västmanland Castle/Estate  Örebro Castle/Estate  Värmland Castle/Estate  Stockholm Castle/Estate  Södermanland