Welcome to Kiruna, Sweden’s largest Municipality by Area!

From late May to mid-July you can experience the unique midnight sun, there are 50 days of light without darkness. Bring your family and try gold panning, see the cute sled dogs, ride Icelandic horses, fish, crawl in caves, or play golf. After a full day of activities, you can relax at one of the nearby restaurants and have a culinary experience of real Lappish cuisine.

Kiruna is a place filled with unique opportunities to experience and adventure, it is sometimes called the last wilderness. As a visitor, you’ll experience the magnificent scenery everywhere, so take the opportunity to take a walk through the roadless land or fish in one of the world’s best fishing waters. There are more than 6,000 lakes and six pristine rivers offerng excitement and challenges from early spring to late autumn.

Anyone who wants to can climb Kebnekaise, Sweden’s highest mountain. If it is to high, then Swedenäs highest mountain station, Låktatjåkko (1228 m), is another option. You can choose to hike along Kungsleden (The King’s Trail) for days or weeks, or maybe you’d rather take a half day trip to Kärkevagge and see the fantastic Lake Trollsjön!

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